Thursday, August 14, 2008


Its boring.
Places have less meaning.
All the wait and strain for not much results.
What do people do when they are bored again?

Hmmm... Since I'm this bored, why not just list out the possible things to do when you are bored.

1. Sleep. Even you had your 5hrs nap just get more sleep.

2. Eat. Yeah! Find that crunchy fix that you need, salty stuff or even those sweet little things.

3. Play computer games. Even a little DotA fix or CZ could past some time

4. Watch anime or movies that you've downloaded last month. Yes, there's still 50++ episodes worth of anime till it ends.. [don't know its suffering or just to pass the time]

5. Clean your room/computer table/house for God's sake!

6. Please refer to item 5.

7. Find that missing sock.

8. Ok! Next is to rearrange the room after finding that missing sock.

9. Take the sock to the laundry bin.

10. Post a blog entry about finding a sock??!!

Well, actually there's no actual sock involve..
At least this time..

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