Monday, August 21, 2006

Week In Review..

Ahh~~ Last week sucks.

Reason 1. Test. Why? Its on Saturday and Sunday.. Make you have no weekends to partyPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

[How other ppl study...]

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[How we all study.. In front of the comp..]

Reason 2. Test. Calculus and Physics le!! Physics were damn hard... The most tulan question was: A car moving at an initial velocity of 5m/s with constant acceleration of 3m/s^2 is behind a truck by 120m where as the truck moves at an initial velocity of 3m/s and an constant acceleration of 2m/s^2.

a) Find the time to which the car collides with the truck..
b) [Roughly the same type of question..]

Ok.. Its hard because there are 4 question like this and you only have like an hour and a half to answer these questions and you still got 6 questions to go..


Reason 3. Ah!!! Forgot all those formulas le!!



At least did something fun le...

1. Celebrated someone's birthday. Who?? He-he.. Someone from my class lo..

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[Birhtday cake...]

2. Went to KLCC and view the side where there's almost no people...

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[Huh say! No ppl eh ar..]

3. Had fun eating pork!!!

4. Missed class on personal matter so that I din't have to wear formal for Monday..

Haiz... This week still got exams... And I still donno what to do or where to go during my one week holiday..

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