Saturday, September 09, 2006

Trip to Penang

Ah Penang... Praise the hols...[eventhough it was already over...]

The trip there was 'amazing'... Why? ever tried to defy the laws of gravity by sitting on a vehicle that turns a corner at 80km/h while having one of the highest centre on gravity on the road? Yup! A double-decker bus averaging 110km/h with the company logo of the most frequent 'flier' in the Malaysian highway.. Also the 'safest' way to get to from one state to another..That is if you consider from the human form to the spirit form.. Hahaz... [BTW, the company name is KoNSorT10M or something..]

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Ok.. The the trip there was almost peril-less, given the fact that a kind police officer made sure that the bus driver doesn't send us to meet our ancestors before we have grandkids. Yeah.. He stopped the bus for speeding.. Hahahaz...

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The next day was off to the famous island to which was the first point the British manaced in the administration of the Malayan Lands.. Penang Island...

Drove through the bridge..

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And saw this...

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Islands.. Yup, bet they will be perfect spots for exploring and romantic getaways or something of that sort..

So I asked my friend..

Nemu-iii: Is there any beach around here?

J: Yeah.. But in this part, they're all muddy..And smells like shit..

Well, too bad.. Hahaz

Penang Island is famous for it Gurney Drive which I guess is trying to look like Orchard Road with the mix of Kuching's Riverside and Miri's Boulevard Escape [Correct my spelling if I'm wrong...] where the high-class shopping area mix with the seaside..

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Where's this? High-rised apartments and beautiful landscape.. I thought that I was in Singapore..

And sometimes the good'ol Victorian-styled buildings made the the Island look more and more like Singapore, if you ignore the occasional trash that you stepped on.. Hahaz

Well, the shopping center, Gurney Plaza is such a great place to window shop.. [Like in Singapore..] and see the wonderful sights of taiwanese artist wanabees [sorry, I don't listen to chinese songs..]

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The most amazing part of Penang shopping centers are the layout of shops...

For example...

The combination of three shops that are aligned to each other, side by side...

1. The place you bring your girlfriend to, or the place you get your girlfriend's gift...

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2. The place you bring your very pregnant wife to look at prams and tiny socks for Jr. to come..

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3. The place you bring Jr to buy toys...

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All linked together.. Smart ain't it???

Well, and its back to the Mainland, where the streets looks very Malaysian...

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1 comment:

Sean said...

u went penang?? hahah did u go eat the food or not??? penang is the only place where u can eat eat eat and eat. I ate 6 meals a day there man. After eating at one place, walk some more to another place to eat.