Saturday, February 03, 2007

Useless Things to do...

Hmmm... Found something fun to do online... That is to use Wikimapia.

What to do with it?

Well, to look for your home, or even you school, your cat, your car, your motorcycle or whatever and put a name on it...

Told you that it was pointless...

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[ The + is where my house is... 1°31'2"N 110°20'47"E]

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[My secondary school... SMK Kuching High]

Deer Kuching friends... Find you home and label it... And I will find yours... But be warned, this map is at least 2 to 3 years old...

Next thing to do is to find alternate roads to one place using the map... Don't get lost though...

And, next is to find your present day apartment or house at where you study...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
[Where I live now... huhu...]

So, what are you all waiting for???


Philip Nate said...

can't find my home..

Nemu~iii said...

lolz.... The map is kinda old.. trivilion is not even there...