Sunday, October 01, 2006

Week in Review...

Something that rarely happens to my Uni is that to clean the water-feature in the campus... Its so dirty that you cant see the bottom of the very shallow pool and sometimes on hot days u may even smell the sewer leaking off the pool that has the combined area of about 700-800m^2... That's alot... Of surface and 'nice' smell coming off it...

For the before and after process... The stinking pool....

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[When the water is half-drained, you start to see this... ]

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[And when you move closer to where there is no water anymore, you'll thought that the whole pool is so freaking deep and is actually a drain that is used by the University when the lecturers go 'pu-pu'... Ahahahaz... ]

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[Wah Pia... Really look like it oh... ]

By now you should know that this post is not for the weak stomached... And so is this blog... He-he...

And now for the after part of the cleaning the freaking smelly and dirty water-feature of this campus...

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[Wah... The bottom look like this ar??? So clean... Want to jump in... ]

The whole cleanning process took them like one whole week to drain and water pressure-pump to clean the freaking dirt off the pool... If I'm not wrong, there's 6 of these pools...

One thing that doesn't get me is that the dirt is migrated to the 'tasik' or Lake that the Uni so like to promote...



Rainy nights are here to stay these few weeks near this campus...

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Feels calm, when you open the windows just enough so that you can feel the cool breeze to blow into the room and not enough for the keyboard to get wet from the rain...

And you start to turn on something intrumental, like KennyG...

You off the lights... But, the surrounding is still bright enough for you to look at your feet...

Your eyes starts to doze off a little...

You lay on the bed...

Eyes closed...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Damn... Locked the main door and housemate needs to come in...



Anyway, what does this mean???

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For who??? Ahahahaz...

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