Monday, June 05, 2006

A Local Festival, some crazy alcoholics and a drink called Langkau...

Yup! That is how the annual Gawai festival is usually celebrated. Drinking a very potent alcoholic beverages, Langkau (its kinda like Spirit, bout 20% alcohol in it...) in 'shots' that could render you useless in just one, half-filled shot of it. [Lesson learnt through the easy way... Some co-workers can't stand it...]

Ok. That was my Gawai this year. Going to Bau on the 1st and 10th Mile on the 2nd.

The drinking part only took place when the super 'siaw' drinker, Alex went there.

It is customary for the host to serve a few rounds of Langkau to the guests. Usually a bottle of it. But, if it was only a bottle, disaster wouldn't happen.

The dude took like 15-20 shots of the hard stuff that could potentially burn your throat and show no signs of passing out. He was drunk though. Then, he requested a second bottle.

A few more rounds started between us. Heck, the thing was even too strong for the host. Soon it stopped becoming funny when someone started to puke.

It seems that some people don't know their own limit. Hahaz... I'm not one of them..

I think the count of the barfing disaster amount to 4 people. Well, at least that I'm not the one too hammered to go to work the next day...

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