Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Introduction to the classes of SEX [ I'm talking 'bout Gender lar...Juz 2 nia la... I wont be doing on homo, by and gals...]

In a person's walks of life, they may encounter many man and funny, funny words like Retro-sexual and Metro-sexual. Of course there's Homosexuals and by-sexuals..[I guess you all should have know what it means by now..]

First, lets have a look at 'retro' guys.

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pardon me for making them look like idots..maybe that's my 'best' impressions on them

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I R Retro...

They are what we call the old-fashion types, those who appreciates a nice cold beer, tv in front oh the couch, not giving a damn bout what people think of themselves. They don't know aqua from navy blue because to them, blue is blue! Best not to ask them for fasion advice as they tend to go for practical-comfort styles.

The Metrosexual.

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They are the ones that dances in the night club who the bouncers willingly lift the velvet ropes for these guys to enter, leaving the hopefuls with an invisible 'L' on their head.
They know what outfit they should wear, (even pink! Heck, they could have a bunch of pink shirts! )at what occasion. These guys know how to dress, may even have an insight of a woman's complicated brain. They can diffrentiate the shades of blue and red, and even know their flowery names! Some could go to salons weekly and have their hair dyed, [or they would call it 'sun-kissed' ] but never to be mistaken as Ah Bengs.
They are complicated, 2-5% women and 90% man [the rest goes to fur coats they wear... ] though never to be taken as gays.

1 comment:

Domassism said...

Hm.... no matter how i look at the pics, i just see different versions of u leh... if u really wanna show the difference, don't impersonate, go out there and take pics of the real thing lah